RSA CryptographyA set of RSA Cryptographic ways to your project in iOS/C#ZRCryptographyOC
RSA OverviewRSA is an algorithm used by modern computers to encrypt and decrypt messages. It is an asymetric cryptographic algorithm. Asymetric means that there are two different keys. This is also called public key cryptography, because one of them can be given to everyone. The other key must be kept private. It is based on the fact that finding the factors of an integer is hard(the factoring problem). RSA stands for Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, who first publicly described it in 1978. A user of RSA creates and then publishes the product of two large prime numbers, along with an auxiliary value, as their public key. The prime factors must be kept secret. Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a message, but with currently published methods, if the public key is large enough, only someone with knowledge of the prime factors can feasibly decode the message.
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Please Note
The public key to encrypt messages, after encrypted, it must be encoded by base 64.The private key to decrypt messages, before decrypting, it must be decoded by base 64.
How do I create a pu
PushNotificationA simplest way to push notification on your own server in C# and C/Objective-C.
APNs OverviewApple Push Notification service (APNs) is the centerpiece of the remote notifications feature. It is a robust and highly efficient service for propagating information to iOS (and, indirectly, WatchOS), tvOS, and macOS devices. On initial launch, your app establishes an accredited and encrypted IP connection with APNs from the user’s device. Over time, APNs delivers notifications using this persistent connection. If a notification arrives when your app is not running. the device receives the notification and handles its delivery to your app at an appropriate time.
In addition to APNs and your app, another piece is required for the delivery of remote notifications. You must configure your own server to originate those notifications. Your server, known as the provider, has the following responsibilities:
It receives device tokens and relevant data from your app.
It determines when remote notifications need to be sent to a device.
It communicates the notification data to APNs, which then handles the delivery of the notifications to that device.
For each remote notification, yo
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